Upshot is not part of the p4 distribution, but can be obtained from the same anonymous ftp location as p4. Take the file upshot.tar.Z from the directory pub/p4 on The distribution contains all necessary documentation on how to install and run upshot. It is an X-window program that runs on most workstations. There is no need for a parallel macchine to be involved, once the log files have been obtained.
Upshot produces the most interesting displays when certain events (not necessarily all) are defined to be the entry and exit events for certain states and then colors are associated with the states. This association is reflected in a statefile with a format like the following:
This statefile describes three states. State 1 is defined to be between events 1 and 2. Upshot will color it red and label it ``asking''.
Automatic Logging of p4 Events, ,Examining Log Files with Upshot,Creating Logfiles for Upshot